I wouldn't blame you for thinking that this weightloss journey is all I am about.
Granted, it is consuming almost every thought at the moment while I concentrate on getting it right, and making it permanent.... but there are other things in my life, and I have other goals and resolutions I have set.
#1. Giving up soft drink - I have told you that one already here.
#2. Taking my lunch break. - I have an hour for lunch, and I rarely take even half of it. I end up eating at my desk, or taking only a 15 minute break. So I have decided that for my own health (stress levels etc) I need to force myself to take breaks. I went to the shopping centre today and ran some errands in my lunch break, and I did feel very refreshed. We have a staff gym at work, so with an hour break there is no reason I can't sneak in a 20 minute workout. Or even a nice stroll in the park, or take a book and catch up on my reading. We have a great staff cafeteria, so even just leaving the office to have my calorie controlled lunch with some workmates once a week would be an improvement. So any of you workmates reading this..lets make a lunch date!
#3. Put in a vege garden. - Not talented in this area, but I want to grow a few of my own veges. My girls are keen as well, so I better get researching how to do it.
#4. Go on a cruise - I did promise myself we would go on a cruise before the end of 2012. The Costa Concordia hasn't put me off (much), however the deal was that I couldn't go until I looked good in a bikini... Maybe early 2013 instead.
#5. Finish my course - I am lucky enough to be doing a government funded course through work. I'm doing Cert IV in Business, and I'm half way through. I know it won't actually take me too long to knock off the rest, I just need to make the time and knuckle down and finish it. Then I can start work on the Diploma! Well why not, I'm getting qualifications and It's not costing me a cent. I have until June 2013, but I want to get this in the bag by end of 2012, or mid 2012 (ideally).
#6 Finish writing - I have 4 different novels started, and none finished. I want to get one done, and If I don't get a publishing deal, I can publish it myself. Maybe I could tell the story like a weekly serial in a blog instead!.
#7 Europe for my 50th birthday - This is the big one, the very top of my Bucket List. I stopped this from being a dream and I have started turning this into reality. I have made detailed plans of where I want to go and what I want to do and it comes to a 106 day itinerary. I will be eligible for long service leave by then, and if I save $50 a week until then, there will be more than enough. However I have my shorter 60 day version that I will be happy with if something doesn't go to plan. The kids will all be 18+, and Joe and I can head off guilt free and wander the globe.
There are so many other things, but these are my top focus at the moment, some shorter term, some longer term, but all achievable if I work at it. All of these things are totally dependant on me, there is no luck or chance involved. If I want it then I have to do the work to get it.
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