Thursday, January 26, 2012


Well some things are sent to try us, best laid plans... and all those clichés.  After the events of the past few days I found myself in a bit of a pickle.

#1 My car broke down on Monday,  and the decision has been made to retire the poor old thing. Replacement will be some time coming, so it's public transport for me.  This means I needed to get my husband to drive me to the train station to catch the 8am train, and he had to hang around until at least 8.20 until he could drop the girls at school. Not ideal. He didn't mind, but I felt Guilty.  Having to leave earlier than when I was driving, I found I didn't have as much time to do my walks in the morning, and get ready for work.  I could catch the 6.30 train and go to the work gym (which is not as scenic as walking the lake), but I would then need to get my husband up at 6am to take me.. More guilt, or  I could get up earlier than 5.30. I was already struggling with 5.30 but this was going to have to be the way.

#2 Then Wednesday brought torrential rain, and the Gold Coast started to flood. Our house was fine, but my beautiful lake rose and rose, and the water engulfed the path. Now my morning walk/run is out as an option, so it's going to have to be early train, or a home workout followed by the inconvenience to my family. 
My hubby and Daughter standing on the path where I normally start my run.
Then driving back from Westfield Helensvale today , which is also where the train station is located, it dawned on me... How long would it take me to walk to the train station in the mornings?  Instead of walking around a lake, I can walk myself to where I need to be!  Makes sense!  I can solve two problems with one walk.  I am lucky enough to have showers at work, so I can get ready there.

So I decided that this afternoon I needed to do a test run, to see how long the walk would take me, so then I can figure out when I would need to leave to catch each train.  My husband guessed it would take two hours, I thought an hour and a half, Google Maps said 1 hour 20mins... so I set of on my misson.
I took the direct route, without footpaths in some areas, but there is a 400m longer paved alternative. I didn't stroll, this is a workout as well, and I sat down on a bench at the train station 1 hour and 11 minutes later. Sweaty, happy and 720 calories burned.

I'm so proud of myself for not letting excuses (that would be so easy to find) get the better of me, and finding an excellent solution.
Now I just gotta go pack my bag for tomorrow (work clothes, shoes, towel, toilet bag etc) and tomorrow I start day 1 of my new routine. 
The only other problem I foresee is how the other commuters are going to feel about  a sweaty and smelly woman on the train and bus.. But hey, that's their problem, not mine. 

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