That's a loss of 1.9kg this week. Happy Happy Joy Joy!
I felt so wonderful this morning and that has lasted with me all day.
That number also means I am only 1.7kg away from being Overweight... as in moving out of the Obese BMI range, into the Overweight BMI range. That is pretty big, because I have been obese since ... well the 1980's.
Another wonderful thing that happened today was my walk to the train station.
The walk usually takes about 1hr 13min, (I'd done it twice so thats the average between the two) and my timing on the first day - leaving about 5.45am - meant I arrived about 6.55-7am, and had to wait until 7.32 before the next train, and then a 15 min wait for the connecting Bus, meaning I got to work at 8.20, not leaving a lot of time to shower and get ready for work.
Last night I discovered that there was a 6.45am train... so I tried to leave 10 mins earlier to be able to make that train. Ah, nup, didn't happen - still walked out the door at 5.45am
I thought to myself, if I can pick up the pace, and get there within the hour, I can still get that earlier train, and get to work much earlier, and have a really good shower, and a leisurely breakfast....So I set of at pace.
I talked myself through the urge to stop with a lot of C'mons, and You Can Do It's. All the while in the back of my mind Unhealthy Me was saying "you can always get that second train" ... but Healthy Me hit back with "Yeah, but I don't want to wait 45 mins for it" and kept going. I was extremely focused, I actually felt like an athlete.
I had the Run Keeper Iphone App, talking in my ear, telling me every five minutes how far I had come, and my average speed per kilometre. Yesterday I was averaging 11.5 mins per km, today I was averaging 9.5 mins per km... So you will be pleased to know it took me 59.38 minutes, and I literally took my back pack off, and sat down at the platform as the train pulled up.
I DID IT! and you could not wipe the smile off my face.
I burned 711 calories, but most amazingly I cut 11 minutes off my time. I was so incredibly proud of myself.
Also today, my manager put on a special day at work, by cooking crepes for the team for lunch... With the massive variety of fillings available, from Ham and Cheese to Berry Compote and Ice cream with Chocolate topping, I had crepes with spinach, mushrooms, onions, with a tiny bit of ham and grated cheese, and as I ate, I added my calories onto My Fitness Pal. I was happy that I didn't miss out, I just made sensible choices and accounted for everything.
Coming home late tonight, nothing was organised for dinner, so I stopped at the Supermarket. This would have (in the old days) resulted in some cardboard Pizza or something equally as nasty (convenient, but nasty).. tonight, this was our meal, coming in at less than the 300 calories budgeted for my dinner.
It was yummo, and going to be on the menu again!
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